Declaration of accessibility
Accessibility statement
We endeavor to make this website or mobile application accessible. The accessibility statement is required by the Bremischen Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz (Bremen Disability Equality Act). The technical requirements for accessibility are set out in BITV 2.0.
This statement on digital accessibility applies to the KH Künstler:innenhaus Bremen website published at
How accessible is the website?
This website is barrier-free. All requirements of BITV 2.0 are met.
The verification of compliance with the requirements is based on
· a self-assessment carried out on 6.5.2024When was the accessibility statement created?
This statement was created or revised on 6.5.2024.
Would you like to report accessibility issues? (feedback option)
We would like to further improve our services. Please let us know if you have any problems or questions about digital accessibility: ↗Contacting the Zentralstelle für barrierefreie Informationstechnik (Central Office for Accessible Information Technology)
If your contact with the public body was not successful, you can contact the Zentralstelle für barrierefreie Informationstechnik (Central Office for Accessible Information Technology). They also offer further information on enforcement (in German).Teerhof 59
28199 Bremen
Phone: 0421 361 181 87
Fax: 0421 496 181 81 ↗ -
Information about the accessibility statement
in Easy EnglishWebsites and apps should be easy to use.
It should be that way for everyone.
For instance, also for:
• blind people.
• deaf people.
• people who cannot move all their fingers.
That’s why websites and apps should be accessible.This text explains:
What is an accessibility statement?
And where can you complain
· if a website is not accessible?
· if an app is not not accessible?Rules in the law
From September 23, 2020, these rules apply:
Public bodies must have an accessibility statement
for their websites and apps.
This is set out in EU Directive 2016/2102.
EU directives apply to all countries in the EU.
The countries must make their own laws and regulations from the directives.
In Germany, the regulation is called BITV 2.0.
Bremen must also comply with this regulation.What are public bodies?
Public bodies work for the administration of a federal state or the federal government.
Examples of public bodies are:
· Offices and governmental authorities
· Some housing construction companies
· Schools and some daycare centers
For example, the tax office is a public body.
Public bodies are also institutions
that almost exclusively receive money from the state.
For example:
· some museums, libraries and theaters
· some swimming pools and sports facilities
For example, a supermarket is not a public place.What is an accessibility statement?
The accessibility statement is a text.
The text is
· on all websites of public bodies
· in all apps of public bodies
To keep it short, we just use the word: websites.
The accessibility statement tells you:
· How accessible is the website?
Experts can check this.
The public body can also check this itself.
· Are there accessibility issues on the website?
Then you will find a list of barriers in the statement.
· Maybe the entire website does not have to be accessible.
So there may be exceptions.
Then you will find a list of exceptions in the statement.
The public body is not allowed to decide what the exceptions are.
There are strict rules for exceptions.
· The statement must also include the date
when the statement was made.
The date must not be older than one year
Public bodies must check every year:
How accessible is our website?
And then they have to update the accessibility statement.You want to use the website.
But what if you can’t,
because there are still barriers?
Then you can make a complaint.
In the accessibility statement it says
how you can complain.
For instance:
· by e-mail
· by phone call
· using a contact formHere you can complain about barriers on
on this website:
Phone: 0421- 5980412
E-mail: buero@kh-bremen.deYou can complain about these things:
· There are barriers on the website.
And these barriers are not in the accessibility statement
· You need information from the website,
but the information is not accessible.
For example:
Your computer cannot read out an important PDF file.
· Your computer cannot read out an important PDF file.
The public body has 2 weeks
to give you an answer.
Is the answer taking longer than 2 weeks?
Or does the answer not help you?
Then you can make a complaint here:
Zentralstelle für barrierefreie Informationstechnik
(Central Office for Accessible Information Technology)
Teerhof 59
28199 Bremen
Phone: 0421 361 181 87
Fax: 0421 496 181 81 ↗The Central Office will examine your complaint.
The central office then talks to the public body.
And the central office will give the public body a deadline.
The barriers must be removed by this date.
What if the public body does not meet the deadline?
Then an appeal body will deal with the dispute.
You don’t have to pay anything for this:
· no fee for the work of the central office
· no fee for the work of the appeal bodyThis text gives information about the accessibility statement.
Because everyone should know
what rights he or she has.
Do you use websites or apps belonging to a public body?
Aber es gibt Probleme mit der Barrierefreiheit?
Dann lesen Sie auch die Erklärung zur Barrierefreiheit
But there are problems with accessibility?
Then read the accessibility statement on the website or in the app.
The statement contains information on where you can complain.
You must first complain to the public body.
The central office can only help you after that.Leichte Sprache text: © Büro für Leichte Sprache, Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung Bremen e.V., 2020.