- December
- 12.12. 7-9 pm
Open Studio: Olya Noun
- 01.12. 3 pm
Opening Paule Potulski & Editions 2024
- November
- 03.11. –03.11.24 11 am – 6 pm
Special Opening Hours
for the Finissage
- 02.11.
Exhibition closed on 2 Nov
due to an event in the gallery
- 02.11. 2-6.30 pm
Have We Passed Peak Collective?
Chapter 3: Conditions & Consequences: …
- October
- 26.10. 2-6 pm
Can art convey art?
Through the exhibition with colored pencils
- 24.10. 6 pm
Guided Tour with Clara Kramer
Gernot Wieland
- 24.10. 7 pm
Lecture by Christine Rüffert
“Whenever I watch films where a landscape is …
- September
- 26.09. 6 pm
Curator's Tour with Nadja Quante
Gernot Wieland
- 07.09. 2 pm
Can art convey art?
Potato Print in Psychodrama
- 06.09. 7 pm
Opening Gernot Wieland
You do not leave traces of your presence, just of …
- August
- 15.08. 6 pm
Curator's Tour with Nadja Quante
Reproductive Matters
- 10.08. 1–6 pm
Can art convey art?
With lenoleum printing through the art exhibition
- June
- 21.06. 3 pm
Guided Tour with Clara Kramer
Reproductive Matters – Lucy Beech, Zuzanna …
- 20.06. 6 pm
Gläserne Decken
Poster Happening
- 20.06. 18 Uhr
Three's A Party
We are celebrating Weserburg, GAK and KH …
- 14.06. 7 pm
Reproductive Matters
- May
- 25.05. 18–24 Uhr
Lange Nacht der Museen Bremen
Yarema Malashchuk & Roman Khimei: Explosions …
- 04.05. 11 am–6 pm
Offene Ateliers Bremen Neustadt 2024
- March
- 09.03. 2–5 pm
Being in crises together
Workshop with the Feminist Healthcare Research …
- February
- 01.02. 7 pm
Artist Talk with Rebekka Kronsteiner
CAT walk artist TALK with Rebekka Kronsteiner …
- December
- 08.12. 7 pm
Rebekka Kronsteiner “so oder so”
- 01.12. 7–9 pm
Open Studio: Yevheniia Kriuk
Artists in Residence Ukraine
- November
- 25.11. 7.30 pm
Artists' talk with Annika Grabold, Dominique Hurth, Franziska Nast, Josse Pyl and Charlotte Rohde
- 25.11. 6 pm
Artists' Presentation Feminist Healthcare Research Group
Practices of Radical Care
- 23.11. 6 pm
Curators' tour with Nadja Quante and Pio Rahner
*INNEN - Ruth Buchanan, Annika Grabold, Dominique …
- 10.11. 6 pm
Guided tour with Johanne Jordan
*INNEN - Ruth Buchanan, Annika Grabold, Dominique …
- October
- 25.10. 7 pm
Jimmy Robert: Call and Response
Launch & Listening Event in Berlin
- 18.10. 6 pm
Guided tour with Clara Kramer
*INNEN - Ruth Buchanan, Annika Grabold, Dominique …
- 14.10. 7 pm
Opening: *INNEN
with Ruth Buchanan, Annika Grabold, Dominique …
- September
- 03.09. 4 pm
Improvisation set with Aimée Theriot (cello, electronics) and Andrés Nuño de Buen (acoustic synthesizer)
Concert for the finissage
- 03.09. 3 pm
Curator's tour of Rodrigo Hernández' show with Nadja Quante
originally planned for 31.08.
- July
- 12.07. 6 pm
Guided tour with Clara Kramer
Rodrigo Hernández: Carrés
- 05.07. 6 pm
Guided tour with Helen Roth
Rodrigo Hernández: Carrés
- June
- 24.06. 6–9 pm
Book Presentation
Claudia Piepenbrock & André Sassenroth moving …
- 22.06. 7 pm
Opening Rodrigo Hernández
- May
- 24.05. 6 pm
Curator’s Tour with Nadja Quante
Shirin Mohammad: rebellion of the slogans
- 07.05. 3 pm
Guided tour with Frederik Preuschoft
Shirin Mohammad: rebellion of the slogans
- 04.05. 7 pm
rebellion of the slogans – Presentations
by Yasmine Ansari and Mahdis Mohammadi
- April
- 26.04. 6 pm
Lecture by Annika Lisa Richter
“If you need me, I’m (still) in the basement!” – …
- February
- 24.02. 7 pm
Impulse dinner for the renaming
- 06.02. 12.30–2 pm
Presentation of the results from the seminar
Artistic and design production spaces of the …
- 01.02. 18 Uhr
Lecture by Petra Lange-Berndt
A Room of One‘s Own - or a House for the Many?
- November
- 20.11. 5 pm
Arrangement Window (ink accumulation)
Activation by Hannes Middelberg
- 20.11. 3 pm
Jasmina Al-Qaisi: __üns___haus Bremen
An audio-vibration installation, buffet, a rose …
- 20.11. 4 pm
Wellen/Geschichtung: sound tour by Norman Neumann and Henrik Nieratschker
- 18.11. 7 pm
Artist Talk by Mirjam Thomann: Theory & Action
- 04.11. 8 pm
Table conversation with Ute Ihlenfeldt and Carolin Klapp
- 03.11. 6 pm
Curator’s Tour with Nadja Quante
Narrating the Gaps
- 02.11. 6 pm
Arrangement Window (ink accumulation)
Activation by Hannes Middelberg
- 02.11. 7 pm
Hosted by BBK und GEDOK: Auch Kunst ist Arbeit…!
- October
- 27.10. 3 pm
Arrangement Window (ink accumulation)
Activation by Hannes Middelberg
- 26.10. 6 pm
Guided tour with Frederik Preuschoft
Narrating the Gaps
- 20.10. 4–5.30 pm
Table Conversation with Horst Griese and Carolin Klapp
- 14.10. 6 pm
Arrangement Window (ink accumulation)
Activation by Hannes Middelberg
- 14.10. 8 pm
Wellen/Geschichtung: Preview
Short presentation by Norman Neumann and Henrik …
- 01.10. 1–3 pm
The Art of Turning Palliation into Our Lives at any and all Parts of Our Life Cycle
with Annemarie Goldschmidt (Kinesiologist) and …
- 01.10. 11 am–1 pm
Last Aid in Life
Course with Lydia Roeder
- 01.10. 8 pm
Palliative Dinner
- 01.10. 6 pm
Roundtable Discussion
with APT-Members
- 01.10. 3 pm
Workshop mit Louise Ashcroft: NO KIDS!
- September
- 30.09. 8.30 pm
- 30.09. 7 pm
Performance by Per Hüttner
Duet with a Dying Plant
- 29.09. 7 pm
Reading: Johanna Klug
- 28.09. 6 pm
Curator’s tour with Nadja Quante
The Palliative Turn
- 17.09. 11 am–6 pm
Open Studios Bremen Neustadt 2022
- 03.09. 4 pm–12 midnight
Anniversary Party
30 Years of Künstlerhaus Bremen
- July
- 27.07. 6 pm
Guided tour with Frederik Preuschoft
Narrating the Gaps
- 10.07. 12 am
Walk on the Riensberg cemetery with Jana Thiel
- 09.07. 5 pm
Exhibition tour with members of APT
The Palliative Turn
- 09.07. 3 pm
Palliative Drawing Sessions with Olav Westphalen
- 08.07. 7 pm
Opening: The Palliative Turn
Carla Åhlander, Louise Ashcroft, Simon Blanck, …
- April
- 20.04. 6 pm
Curator's Tour of Jimmy Roboert's show with Nadja Quante
> cancelled
- March
- 01.03.
Lasting Forever
Online Video Screening, 01.03.–24.04.2022
- February
- 23.02. 7 pm
Guided tour with Frederik Preuschoft
Jimmy Robert: la musique dans la chambre
- 05.02. 3–7 pm
Soft Opening of Jimmy Robert
la musique dans la chambre
- December
- 15.12. 7 pm
Artist Talk with Myong-Hee Ki & Julika Wagner
- 04.12. 3–7 pm
Opening of the Bremen studio scholarship & annual editions 2021
Myong-Hee Ki: Reading the Time With My Hands
- November
- 21.11. 4 pm
Finissage & Performance Irina Gheorghe
Tools for Precision
- 19.11. 7.30 Uhr
Performance of Irina Gheorghe
Preliminary Remarks on the Study of What Is Not …
- 17.11. 6 pm
Guided tour Nadja Quante & Irina Gheorghe
- 04.11. 6 pm
Guided tour with Anna Blahaut
Irina Gheorghe: Methods for the Study of What Is …
- October
- 13.10. 7 pm
Guided tour with Julika Wagner
Irina Gheorghe: Methods for the Study of What Is …
- 02.10. 3–10 pm
Surprise Surprise
- September
- 25.09. –21.11.21
Ghostly Embodiments
D’EST Online Videoscreening
- 25.09. 11 am–6 pm
Open Studios Bremen Neustadt 2021
- August
- 29.08. 2 pm
Guided tour with Julika Wagner
Aleana Egan: small field
- 29.08. 6 pm
Curator's Tour of Irina Gheorghes' Show with Nadja Quante
cancelled due to illness.
- 26.08. 7 pm
Ernesto Salazar-Jiménez reads from his works
- July
- 18.07. 2 pm
Walk and Book Launch
Aleana Egan: small field
- 17.07. 3 pm
Curator's tour with Melissa Canbaz
Aleana Egan: small field
- 12.07. 7 pm
Die Vögelinnen
presented by Cuarteto Consonante Findorff
- 03.07. 3 pm
Guided tour in dialogue: Melissa Canbaz and Sofia Duchovny
- 03.07. 7 pm
Salman Nurhak - Musical Reading with Saz
- June
- 29.06. 6 pm
Book Launch with Irene Strese
- 23.06. 6 pm
Guided tour with Julika Wagner
Aleana Egan: small field
- 19.06. 8 pm
Book Launch & Lecture
Geist – The Materiality of the Invisible
- 11.06. 3–5 pm
Smell course with scent workshop
As part of the project Smell
- 09.06. 6 pm
Curator's tour with Melissa Canbaz
Aleana Egan: small field
- 05.06. 6 pm
Guided tour with Mara Ryser
Tender Buttons
- May
- 12.05. 7 pm
Cultúr Salon
Aleana Egan small field
- April
- 07.04. 6 pm
Guided tour with Julika Wagner
Irene Strese: PULLSH
- March
- 31.03. 6 pm
Curator's tour of Irene Strese's show with Melissa Canbaz
> cancelled
- November
- 18.11. 6 pm
Curator's tour of Heinz Peter Knes’ show with Melissa Canbaz
This tour is unfortunately cancelled.
- 04.11. 6 pm
Guided tour with Julika Wagner
This tour is unfortunately cancelled.
- October
- 21.10. 6 pm
Curator's tour of Heinz Peter Knes’ show with Melissa Canbaz
This tour is unfortunately cancelled.
- September
- 19.09. 11 am–6 pm
Open studios Neustadt 2020
- 02.09. 6 pm
Guided tour with Julika Wagner
High-cycle Fatigue
- July
- 08.07. 6 pm
Guided tour with Julika Wagner
High-cycle Fatigue
- January
- 06.01. 3 pm
Performance by Grażyna Roguski
- December
- 11.12. 7 pm
Artist talk with Daniel Neubacher
- November
- 17.11. 3–6 pm
Moving Mutating Mary
Performance by Dafna Maimon
- October
- 30.10. 7 pm
Mamma mia! Images of Motherhood in Contemporary Art and Culture.
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Elena Zanichelli
- 23.10. 6 pm
Curators' tour with Nadja Quante
Dafna Maimon: Mutating Mary
- 23.10. 7.30 pm
Performance: Kleinhirnwurm
by Frédéric Ehlers & Peter Strickmann
- September
- 01.09. 3–6 pm
Matters of Care
Workshop with Emma Waltraud Howes
- August
- 28.08. 6 pm
Curator's tour with Nadja Quante
Nona Inescu: Corporealle
- 23.08. 6 pm
Conversation in the exhibition Corporealle
with Nona Inescu
- 23.08. 8.30 pm
Sound Performance by Felicity Mangan
- July
- 31.07. 6 pm
Guided tour with Mara Ryser
Nona Inescu: Corporealle
- May
- 25.05. 6 pm
Long Night of Bremen Museums 2019
Tender Buttons
- 14.05. 7 pm
Tangible Interaction – Materiality and Body in Human-Computer Interaction
Lecture by Dr.-Ing. Tanja Döring
- 14.05. 6 pm
Kuratorinnenführung mit Anna Voswinckel Curators‘ tour with Anna Voswinckel and Nadja Quanteund Nadja Quante
Tender Buttons
- 04.05. 2–7 pm
Barely even Touching
Workshop with Emma Waltraud Howes
- March
- 20.03. 6 pm
Guided tour with Dr. Anne Thurmann-Jajes and Nadja Quante
Jef Geys – Kempens Informatieblad
- February
- 27.02. 6 pm
Curatorial tour with Gloria Hasnay and Moritz Nebenführ
Jef Geys - Kempens Informatieblad.
- 27.02. 7 pm
Presentation and discussion of current artist magazine formats
with InterCity (Hamburg), muss sterben …
- December
- 19.12. 7 pm
Artist Talk with Nora Olearius und Nadja Quante
Cubicle x Faktor
- 07.12. 7 pm
Opening: Nora Olearius & Editions 2018
- November
- 14.11. 7 pm
Artists talk with Alina Schmuch
- 07.11. 7 pm
Contemporaries - talks on contemporary art
- October
- 31.10. 6 pm
Curator’s tour with Nadja Quante
- 31.10. 7 pm
Reading by Timo Hinze: "Die flüssige Fabrik" ("The liquid factory")
- 10.10. 6 pm
Guided tour with Undine van Elsberg
- September
- 16.09. 3-5 p.m
“Today: My workplace for tomorrow”
workshop for children and adults
- 15.09. 7 pm
Opening: Alina Schmuch
The Inner Office
- August
- 31.08. 7 pm
Lecture Performance by Gernot Wieland: „Speaking of Places“
- 29.08. 7 pm
Lecture by Sofia Duchovny
- 26.08. 2 pm
Guided tour with Undine van Elsberg
- July
- 10.07. 6 pm
Curator's tour with Nadja Quante
- 10.07. 7 pm
Lecture by Katrin Köppert - „S is for Shame which is a very important queer feeling.“*
- June
- 29.06. 7 pm
- 29.06. 9.30 pm
Reading by Aleksandra Bielas
- 29.06. 10 pm
Performance by Sonja Cvitkovic
- 03.06.
Performative action in public
It`s all about the river Vol. 2
- May
- 23.05. 7 pm
Artist talk with Sebastian Dannenberg
It’s all about the river. Vol 1
- April
- 27.04. 7 pm
It’s all about the river. Vol 1
- 11.04. 7 pm
Beyond Questions - Talk with Tim Reinecke and Dr. Mona Schieren
Beyond Thrill
- 04.04. 7 pm
Alternative date: BALLERN?! - Conversation with Tim Reinecke and Nadja Quante
Beyond Thrill
- 04.04. 8 pm
Live-Set: M.O.M & Toyton
Beyond Thrill
- March
- 28.03. 7 pm
BALLERN?! - Talk with Tim Reinecke and Nadja Quante
Beyond Thrill
- 21.03. 7 pm
Live-Set: Erotic Nights
Beyond Thrill
- 09.03. 7 pm
Beyond Thrill