The KH Künstler:innenhaus Bremen e. V. brings together under one roof 17 studios, a gallery open to the public, as well as creative businesses and associations, including a carpentry workshop, studios for graphics, design, sound, film and printing, the Bremen Artists’ Association (BBK), the Bremen Women Artists’ Association, GEDOK and a restaurant to form a structure that is unique in Germany.
BBK Bremen - Board Members and Managing Director Photo: Sara Förster
Bremen Artists' Association (BBK)
Bremen Artists’ Association (BBK) – is an association of professional visual artists from the fields of painting, sculpture, photography, film, performance and new media.
Management: Antje Schneider
Dieter Fehling, office in the rear building. Photo: Sara Förster
Dieter Fehling – Visual communication
Tel. +49 (0)421 345973 -
Logo Bremer Kunstsatellit
The BREMER KUNST SATELLIT has been flying around the world from Bremen since 2002. It was initially stationed at the GAK - Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst. Since 2007 it has been part of Künstler:innenhaus Bremen. The Satellite brings Bremen artists selected by renowned curators such as Wulf Herzogenrath, Jean-Francois Guiton, Eva Schmidt, Susanne Pfeffer and Stefanie Böttcher to exhibitions or expeditions in special places. On their return, the impressions or results of their travels are presented in Bremen and sometimes also in Berlin.
Project management: Ursula van den Busch
Marwedeweg 45
28355 Bremen -
Graphic Designer Inge Glinsmann, in the middle building. Photo: Sara Förster
Graphic Design - Glinsmann Design
Inge Glinsmann
Design at a glance - I design much of what companies, organisations, associations, people or projects need to be seen. From corporate design to websites and trade fair stands. And if it’s “just” a poster: that’s fine too! You can find examples of my work on the portfolio page. And of course, I’m also happy to show you real brochures you can touch.
Kai Stork, studio in the rear building. Photo: Sara Förster
Kai Stork
filmtongestaltung kai storck
sound postproduction
Recording studio Arne Weiß
GEDOK, office in the front building. Left to right: Anna Blahaut, Nicole Giese-Kroner, Svenja Wetzenstein, Petra Fiebig, Norah Limberg Photo: KH Bremen
Bremen Women Artists' Association, GEDOK
The Bremen Women Artists’ Association, GEDOK is an association of female artists and scientists from various fields. We support the professional work of our members with various projects and publications.
Office hours
Tuesdays from 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday from 13:00 - 17:00 -
Photographer Kerstin Rolfes
Kerstin Rolfes Photography
Kerstin Rolfes – Photography
Editor Petra Schröder, office in the middle building Photo: Sara Förster
Petra Schröder – Text
Tablewear Caninet *Colorante* Foto: Martin Wilmes
Martin Wilmes – Möbelbau
Furniture - wooden objects - individual pieces - customized pieces - home accessories. Clarity of form, high-quality, carefully selected materials - predominantly solid hardwoods - and meticulous craftsmanship characterize my furniture and wooden objects and make them reliable favorites that enrich a fulfilling everyday life.
- Artists