
Even before the official founding of the supporting organisation - now known as KH Künstler:innenhaus Bremen e. V. - the former industrial building at Am Deich 68/69 became a venue for artistic activities. In an effort to establish an artists’ centre here, a group of artists initiated the first concrete implementation with the association, the Senator for Culture Bremen and the Planungswerkstatt für Wohnen und Kultur e.V.. The focus was on embedding the current artistic work in a structure with a gallery, businesses, artists’ associations and a restaurant to create a productive and beneficial context.

In 1990, the Planungswerkstatt für Wohnen und Kultur e.V. took over the conversion of the building complex on Neustadtufer into the Künstler:innenhaus Bremen. Artists and businesses moved into the studios, workshops and offices during the conversion work. The first exhibition was presented in the gallery in the summer of 1991. In 1992, the renovations were completed and the Künstler:innnhaus Bremen officially began its self-managed operations. Since its beginnings, the Senator for Culture Bremen has supported the Künstler:innenhaus Bremen as an overall centre for art production.

Once a spice factory, then a precious wood warehouse - and for over 30 years a vibrant place of art and culture. In the founding years of Künstler:innehaus Bremen, everything revolved around establishing an independent space for art practitioners, shaping it from within the community and creating (free) spaces for art. This chronicle shows what has happened since then - with excerpts about the development of the house and milestones in art and cultural work:

Künstler:innenhaus Bremen, aerial view of the buildings Am Deich 68/69, ca. 1991
View of the north-west side of the front, centre and rear buildings

Photo: Helmut Wieben