Gallery Artist' Talk
15.12.21 7 pm
Gallery Artist' Talk

Artist Talk with Myong-Hee Ki & Julika Wagner

Myong-Hee Ki, Reading the Time With My Hands, exhibition view, Künstlerhaus Bremen 2021, Photo: Fred Dott

Artist Myong-Hee Ki talks virtually with curator Julika Wagner about her work in the current exhibition Reading the Time With My Hands, on view till January 09, 2022.

In her “woven drawings,” Myong-Hee Ki translates textile structures and, in the process, attempts to immerse herself in them. Her works convey a slowness and calmness, capturing the essence of everyday objects that surround us and their poetic dimension. More woven than drawn, they reveal traces of a line-drawing hand and a concentrated gaze.
In the exhibition Reading the Time With My Hands, Ki uses various forms of presentation to reflect on her working method and the cyclical passage of time associated with it: supposedly completed works are deposited, taken out again, and modified so that something new emerges in turn. Individual pictorial elements join to form a whole, which is set in motion by folds and curvatures. The essence of structure, which is formed and enlivened by repetition and the difference that always emerges from it, comes to the fore here.

  • Myong-Hee Ki

    (* 1981 in Sang-Ju, South Korea) studied at the Hochschule für Künste Bremen and graduated in 2017 with Katrin von Maltzahn. She has already participated in group exhibitions in Seoul and Düsseldorf, among others, and was nominated for the Werner Kuehl Prize in 2020.

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