Gallery Workshop
04.05.19 2–7 pm
Gallery Workshop

Barely even Touching

Workshop with Emma Waltraud Howes

Emma Waltraud Howes, An Archive of Accident Gestures (Videostill), 2011

In this workshop participants will practice ‘touching’ beyond our conception of everyday means. Dancer and visual artist Emma Waltraud Howes will introduce us to experience touch through the deliberate direction of our intentions: How can we explore individual kinesthetic intelligence, and communal inner sense, while barely even touching? Through a vigorous and critical analysis of the role that dynamism plays in communication this workshop will explore the malleability of our boundaries and the productivity of friction. Exercises developed by Howes may include: improvisation, Gi Gong meditation, as well as voice and movement techniques.

  • Emma Waltraud Howes

    (b. 1976 in Toronto, Canada, lives in Berlin) works as a translator between movement and form. Her interdisciplinary works are informed by her background in dance, performance theory, and the visual arts, and guided by observations of gestures. Howes focuses on the development of an expanded choreographic practice incorporating public interventions, kinaesthetic and architectural research, and an underlying drawing component in the form of graphic scores for performances.
    Solo presentations (selection): Scores for Daily Living, AtelierhausQuartier am Hafen, Cologne (2019), Scores for Daily Living, ZIL, Moscow (2019), The Nine Returns to the One, The Place, London and Centrum, Berlin (2018), dreiküchenhaus: Labour, Ritual, and Civilization, Hidden Lines of Space: Our House, Hamburg (2018), Scores for Daily Living, Kunstmuseet Nord-Trøndelag, Namsos (2018). She performed with and for: ‘Ten Days Six Nights’, Joan Jonas, Tate Tanks, London (2018); ‘Dynamis’, Georgia Sagri, Documenta14, Kassel (2017); ‘Liminals’, Jeremy Shaw, Venice Biennale (2017); ‘Symphony for a Missing Room’, Lundohl & Seitl, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin (2016). Previous workshops include: Alive … & then Some, Ateneu, Porto, and Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin (2018). ↗

  • Workshop will be held in English.
    Participation free. Donations welcome.
    No previous experience required

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