11 am–6 pm
Open studios Neustadt 2020

Saturday 19.9. and Sunday 20.9.2020 each day from 11 am - 6 pm
The seven artists will be showing insights into their studios and wood workshop at Künstlerhaus Bremen and talking about their creative process. We cordially invite you to visit the Künstlerhaus Bremen, Am Deich 68/69. A small courtyard café awaits you in the courtyard. The usual hygiene regulations will be observed. When visiting, please register first in the courtyard and receive the red dot you need to enter the building. The artists are looking forward to your visit!
The artists
Sarah Lüdemann (Beauham), Hannes Middelberg, Normann Neumann, Daniel Neubacher, Hassan Scheidaei, Irene Strese and Martin Wilmes are taking part in this year’s Neustadt Open Studios.
You can find further information at