Gallery Performance
23.08.19 8.30 pm
Gallery Performance


Sound Performance by Felicity Mangan

In her performance Quadra’frog’ic in Nona Inescu’s exhibition Corporealle Felicity Mangan will activate objects in the show by producing sounds with them.

Free admission

  • Felicity Mangan

    is a sound artist and composer who, in different situations such as solo performances, collaborative projects with other musicians, or installations, plays her found native Australian animal archive, either through a stereophonic system or often via hand-made speakers made from recycled or displaced objects. She recently published her solo project Stereo’frogi’ic on Longform Editions and has also released the EP CAMO on Shelter Press in 2017 and a new EP to be released on Entr’acte this September, with duo project Native Instrument together with Stine Janvin Joh. ↗
