Tangible Interaction – Materiality and Body in Human-Computer Interaction
Lecture by Dr.-Ing. Tanja Döring

In the age of “ubiquitous computing” – the ubiquitous embedding of computer systems in our environment – the physical and the digital are becoming intertwined. In terms of the design of interactions with technical devices, this means that the human body, physical objects and the materiality of the interface are increasingly at the centre of attention, rather than software. The lecture will discuss models and strategies of interface design in the research field of tangible interaction and discusses them on the basis of exemplary works.
Dr.-Ing Tanja Döring
researches and teaches human-computer interaction at the Digital Media Lab at the University of Bremen. Her research focuses on tangible interaction and materiality, gesture interaction, mobile interaction and interactive surfaces. She is the spokeswoman of the department “German Tangible Interaction Group” of the Association for Informatics and is involved in program committees as well as in international conferences and magazines. Her dissertation on “A Materials Perspective on Human-Computer Interaction” was awarded the dissertation prize of the department CSCW & Social Computing of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (Association for Computer Science) and the International Institute for Socio-Informatics for outstanding results in the research of applications of computer science in social systems. From 2008 to 2011, Ms. Döring was a research associate at the Chair of Pervasive Computing and User Interface Engineering at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Tanja Döring studied computer science and art history in Hamburg and Valladolid (Spain).
Before, at 6 pm Curator’s tour with Anna Voswinckel and Nadja Quante