Michael Rieken


As a musician and DJ, Michael Rieken uses the alias Paul Michael von Ganski.

  • CV
    • 1953

      born in Wilhelmshaven, Germany

    • set 1977

      works as a visual artist and musician in Bremen

    • seit 2001

      Lectureship for interactive installation at the HfK Bremen

    • seit 2018

      together with Stefan Demming: management and realisation of the Kunsthalle Weseke (an exhibition project in rural areas)

  • Grants
    • 1987

      Sponsorship award for fine arts Bremen

  • Solo Exhibitions
    • 2019

      GESAMMELTES (with Stefan Demming) – Kunsthalle Weseke

    • 2016

      A MODERN NOSTALGIA - Atelierhaus Friesenstraße, Bremen