Monika B. Beyer

  • CV
    • 1958

      *1958 in Weimar/Thür.

    • Since 1993 I have been working as a freelance artist with writing / drawing / object
      since 2001 as a video artist in the field of interdisciplinary art projects, artist portrait films
      Trained as a typesetter, computer graphics, video/film editing, new media, media management
      active in project management, teaching and mediation, curation

  • Artistic, film and interdisciplinary projects
    • 2021

      Sieben Tage Augen – Gertrud Schleising, Portrait film, KulturMosaik Bremen

    • 2020

      Mama isst den Tod – Porträt Martina Werner, Portraitfilm, Kunsthalle Bremen, internat. Filmfestivals

    • 2018

      Balancen – Anne Baisch, Portraitfilm, Gerhard-Marcks-Haus, Bremen

    • 2018

      GRENZEN – 13 shortfilms und documentary film, Blaumeier-Atelier Bremen, Filmkunsttheater Gondel

    • 2018

      NEUTRINOS – Action space of dialogue - of quantum leaps and other art skills in the temporary project space of the Künstlerinnenverband Bremen, vor dem Steintor 133

    • 2016

      IKARUS und die Kunst des Landens, dokumentary film, Blaumeier-Atelier Bremen, City46 Bremen

    • 2014

      HimmelHölleLiebeTod, short films und dokumentary film, Blaumeier-Atelier Bremen, Städtische Galerie Bremen

    • 2014

      Pilotin in Zwischenwelten – Kosmos Anja Fußbach, Portraitfilm, City46 / Städtische Galerie Bremen

    • 2012

      Tiger ist kochfest – Porträt Eberhard Kulenkampff, Portraitfilm

    • 2011/12

      diverse Image-/ documentary films and stage productions

    • 2010

      BimsSteinStaub und FlügelOrte - Feature film in collaboration with 22 young people with disabilities, Kino46

    • 2010

      Hermann Jacobs – Rückblick, Portraitfilm Gallery owner and artist

    • 2009

      U25 - come & dance!, Dance film, film premiere Schauburg Bremen

    • 2009

      U25 - come & dance!, Dance-film-stage project with choreographer AnKa Ortmann, Schwankhalle Bremen

    • 2009

      [ luft ] erscheinung_III, Video sound performance with Lilian von Haussen, GAK Bremen, Skagaströnd / Island

    • 2009

      GROSSES LERNEN, Concert spectacle with ‘KLANK’ freely adapted from Cornelius Cardew, Spedition, Kunstfrühling Bremen

    • 2009

      Drei Mantren für Pi und Pi - Porträt Gabriele Hasler, Portraitfilm, Premiere Kulturkirche Bremen

    • 2008

      lege artis, Video-sound performance with Gabriele Hasler and Roger Henschel / Jazzsommer Waldbröl

    • 2008

      AscheSameWerde, Room installation, objects, drawing, video, Johanneskirche Bochum

    • 2008

      VUENV – das Blockflötenquintett, Portaitfilm, Kloster Admont, Graz / Österreich

    • 2008

      [ luft ] erscheinung_I, Video sound performance with Lilian von Haussen, Ahrenshoop