New Name, new Logo, new Website

Finally gender-appropriate

Group photo of members and employees from Künstler:innenhaus Bremen with printed fabric bags

Photo: Kerstin Rolfes

Dear friends and interested parties,

We are pleased to finally announce our new name: As of today, we are called KH Künstler:innenhaus Bremen.

After a multi-year, participatory process of considering a new name for Künstlerhaus Bremen, the association is going public today, May 8, 2024, with a new name, a new logo and a new website. The new look was created by Studio Pandan, a designer collective from Berlin. The design focuses on punctuation in a variety of ways and is also intended to include everyone inside and outside the female and male categories. Many thanks to the Senator for Culture Bremen and Aktion Mensch for funding the new accessible website! ↗

Six years have passed since the former members of Künstlerhaus Bremen, artists Katja Blum, Branka Čolić, Christiane Gruber und Franziska Keller initiated the gender-appropriate renaming at the end of 2018. Time was taken for thinking, discussing - and, due to the pandemic, waiting – together. In March 2023: the members of the association of the former Künstlerhaus Bremen e. V. finally voted on a gender-appropriate name. The new association title “KH Künstler:innenhaus Bremen e. V.” (KH Bremen for short) was chosen by a clear majority. After more than 30 years with an association name in the generic masculine, it is important to our 33 members to use the “:innen” in order to create the visibility that was previously lacking for women and all non-binary people.

As early as 1993, one year after the association was founded, the first motion to change the name to be gender-appropriate was put to the general meeting. At that time, the members decided against it. Frauke Alber, a former member, remembers: “Thirty years ago, we women fought in vain for the Künstlerhaus to have a neutral name. How wonderful that it is now finally a matter of course that gender equality is also reflected in the name. Congratulations to all those who were able to get this off the ground, on the wall and in the language. I will now enjoy stepping out into the beautiful courtyard and joining you all much more!”

Many thanks to all our sponsors, friends and companions for their ongoing support at all levels.

Best regards

Yours and your Künstler:innenhaus Bremen

  • This process of change strengthens our community – and should likewise have an impact on society.

    Every change also costs resources and money. Like many cultural institutions, KH Bremen is currently facing enormous financial challenges: Inflation rates are causing our budgets to shrink significantly.
    To maintain this central and independent venue for the production and presentation of art, we are dependent on donations and funding.

    We thank you for donations of any amount: donations ↗

    The purchase of annual gifts and editions also supports us and the artists involved: annual editions ↗

With kind support of
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