Gallery Talk
14.11.18 7 pm
Gallery Talk

Artists talk with Alina Schmuch

As part of the artist talk, Alina Schmuch and Nadja Quante, curator of the exhibition, will talk about her new video work The Inner Office and give an insight into previous works. Based on photography and its extension in the medium of film, Alina Schmuch’s work explores the interaction between visual media and reality. What can we recognize through the gaze of the camera that remains hidden to the naked eye? Recurring themes in her works are the observation of spatial and discursive structures that serve to improve processes. Schmuch adopts an observational position that enables the viewer to view everyday situations from a distance and to recognize structures more clearly.
The Inner Office is the artist’s first institutional solo exhibition. The talk concludes the supporting program for her solo exhibition.

The event is part of the exhibition The Inner Office by Alina Schmuch.

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