Mamma mia! Images of Motherhood in Contemporary Art and Culture.
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Elena Zanichelli

Elena Zanichell,
the Italian, Berlin based art historian, freelance critic and curator, is teaching art history at the IKFK Institute for Art and Film History and Art Education at the University of Bremen since 2018. Her research investigates the intersections between (contemporary) art, feminism, (mass) media representations, privacy and consumption. She studied at the University of Parma, Bonn and Zurich, before receiving her doctorate from the Humboldt University in Berlin. Apart from her academic and teaching work at various universities, including an Inter artes guest professorship at the University of Cologne 2018, she has worked on numerous exhibition projects, including the documenta 12 (Kassel 2007). Among the exhibitions she curated are Women in Fluxus and Other Experimental Tales(Reggio Emilia 2012/13); Fake or Feint – six scenarios on tactics of marking – scenario three: films (with Jörg Franzbecker, Berlin 2009); Jean-Jacques Lebel – Dada Venus (Berlin 2000).
Her book Private – please enter! Rhetorics of Privacy in the Arts of the Nineties was published in 2015 by the transcript Verlag Bielefeld. She is currently working on a research project entitled Family Values – on the visual re-articulation of a rather conflictual model.
the Institute for Art History – Film Studies – Art Education of the University of Bremen and the Mariann Steegmann Institut. Kunst & Gender