Sweet Bitter Symphony


Tim Etchells & Vlatka Horvat, Sofia Hultén, Sven Johne, Ragnar Kjartansson, Liz Magic Laser

Ausstellungsansicht Sweet Bitter Symphony, Detail Liz Magic Laser, I feel your pain - A Performa Commission, 2011, Videoprojektion, 80:00 Min., Künstlerhaus Bremen 2013
Courtesy the artist
Foto: Pia Pollmanns

Ausstellungsansicht Sweet Bitter Symphony, Künstlerhaus Bremen 2013
Detail: Tim Etchells & Vlatka Horvat, Insults and Praises, 2003, DVD, 63:00 Min.
Courtesy the artists and Zak Branicka Berlin undSofia Hultén
Fuck it up and start again, 2001, DVD, 6:41 Min.
Courtesy the artist and Konrad Fischer Galerie
Foto: Pia Pollmanns

Ausstellungsansicht Sweet Bitter Symphony, Detail Sven Johne, GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH , 2011, DVD, 22:56 Min., Künstlerhaus Bremen 2013
Courtesy the artist and Klemm;s
Foto: Pia Pollmanns

Ausstellungsansicht Sweet Bitter Symphony, Detail Ragnar Kjartansson, Mercy, 2004, Still, Videoprojektion, 65:00 Min., Künstlerhaus Bremen 2013
Courtesy the artist and i8 Gallery
Foto: Pia Pollmans

Ausstellungsansicht Sweet Bitter Symphony, Detail Ragnar Kjartansson, Mercy, 2004, Still, Videoprojektion, 65:00 Min., Künstlerhaus Bremen 2013
Courtesy the artist and i8 Gallery
Foto: Pia Pollmans

Ausstellungsansicht Sweet Bitter Symphony, Detail Ragnar Kjartansson, Mercy, 2004, Still, Videoprojektion, 65:00 Min., Künstlerhaus Bremen 2013
Courtesy the artist and i8 Gallery
Foto: Pia Pollmans

WETHER SWEET PAIN, eloquent silence, or lovehate, all are linked by one factor: the inherent contradiction contained in these antithetical or mutually exclusive notions. As a rhetorical device such contrariness is known as an oxymoron, while in the fine arts it has always been utilised as a stylistic ploy. The oxymoron is predestined to denote ambiguous, multi-layered content, which it imparts in an incisive and gripping manner. The manifestation of “sweet pain« as at its most popular during the Baroque era, and its effects can still be felt today, for this conflicting conceptual coupling still features in many contemporary art works. One reason, perhaps, being that both suffering and enjoyment are enormously powerful physical and psychological sensual perceptions. They make such a huge impression that merely looking at a work of art interpreting individual pain can totally captivate the viewer, who is swept along and carried away by the intentionally direct impact. In that respect there is no difference between the Baroque ideal and that of the contemporary artist.

Sweet Bitter Symphony brings together video works by major contemporary artists. It considers pain as one of the most intense and yet most polyvalent human emotions. Although it can be experienced as an oppressive burden, as a cry for help from the body or mind, the feeling of pain is not necessarily negatively tinged. These works of art present pain in all its diversity: its beauty, its attractiveness, its romantic or liberating nature.

Curated by Stefanie Böttcher


11 April 2013, 7–11 pm Leidenschaft und Ostinato - An Evening with Baroque Musique presented by DJ Glasmeier, Professor für Kunstwissenschaft In cooperation with the HFK Bremen

16 May 2013, 7 pm Vom Klang innerer Widersprüche: eine sprachmusikalische Betrachtung Lecture by Dr. Rahel Ziethen, Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur, Universität Hildesheim

14 March 2013, 7 pm guided tour

25 April 2013, 7 pm guided tour

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