Wolfgang Plöger

to the point


Photo: Tobias Hübel

Photo: Tobias Hübel

Photo: Tobias Hübel

Photo: Tobias Hübel

Photo: Tobias Hübel

Wolfgang Plöger’s fascination is with the moving image, in particular 16mm and Super8 film. He makes drawings, which can turn out to be both realistic and narrative in character as they are formal, reduced, symbolically linear expressions. Due to their subsequent filmic transformation the motifs are set into motion and, without losing any of the raw charm of their recognisably hand drawn nature, they begin to jump around within the surface area of the projection. But the works do not adhere to two-dimensionalism for, through the tension between floor and ceiling of the filmstrip, they stretch out into three dimensions. Beside the swiftly changing image sequences and the rattling of the projectors, long film loops cut hurriedly across the room. In this way the celluloid itself along with the projectors become an essential element of the exhibition in their very materiality. Emanating from Wolfgang Plöger’s multipart animated film Untitled filmic and graphic works are shown in to the point which seize on dots and lines as original artistic expression, their inherent complexity being mediated through the extrapolation in which narrative and geometric form flow into one another.

Wolfgang Plöger (born, 1971) lives in Berlin and studied Fine Arts at the Muthesius Art Academy in Kiel. He has held exhibitions in westlondonprojects, Artis den Bosch, KW and Konrad Fischer Gallery. to the point is Wolfgang Plöger’s first institutional exhibition in Germany.


3 December 2009, 7 p.m. Die Konrad Fischer Galerie, Daniel Marzona, Director of the Konrad Fischer Galerie Berlin, in conversation with Stefanie Böttcher
14 January 2010, 7 p.m. Einblicke in den Animationsfilm with Lea Schönfelder and Stefan Vogt, Animation films from the Kunsthochschule Kassel
7 February 2010, 4 p.m. Artist talk with Wolfgang Plöger

Guided tours: 16 December 2009 & 27 January 2010, 7 p.m

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