Bremen Studio Grant 2021: Myong-Hee Ki

The Bremen Studio Stipend, which the Senator for Culture is awarding for the fifth time, will go to the artist Myong-Hee Ki in 2021.

Born in 1981, the artist studied at the Umeå Academy of Fine Arts in Sweden as well as at the Hochschule für Künste in Bremen and completed her studies as a master student of Professor Katrin von Maltzahn.
An artistic advisory board, which advises the Senator for Culture, has recommended Myong-Hee Ki as a scholarship recipient for 2021. The advisory board consists of members who are familiar with contemporary visual arts through their professional activities.

The rationale reads:
“Myong-Hee Ki’s quiet and at the same time clear and strong drawing position has convinced the jury. Her drawings bear witness to her own handwriting, which is determined by simple forms or fine patterns, often based on textile fabrics.One focus is on the genesis of structures: a pattern emerges from individual forms, a texture grows from countless honeycombs. In her drawings, Myong-He Ki is not concerned with exact lines, parallelism, or perfect form. Through small irregularities, compression or stretching of lines, she gives the forms and fabrics something lively and also brings a spatial aspect into the picture. The jury is convinced that the scholarship will enable Myong-Hee Ki to further develop her artistic position in a concentrated way and furthermore sees, not least through the connection to the Künstler:innenhaus Bremen and the professional connection that comes with it, a great opportunity for the artist to network more strongly locally but also nationally and to facilitate her transition into the profession as a freelance artist.”