Bremen Studio Grant 2022: Paula Hurtado Otero

The Bremen Studio Grant, which the Senator for Culture is awarding for the sixth time, will go to the artist Paula Hurtado Otero, born in Colombia in 1988, in 2022. The artist has lived and worked in Bremen since 2011. Here she studied fine arts at the Hochschule für Künste in Bremen with Prof. Ingo Vetter and with Prof. Natascha Sadr Haghighian, with whom she completed her master’s degree in 2019.

An artistic advisory board, which advises the Senator for Culture, has recommended Paula Hurtado Otero as a scholarship recipient for 2022. The advisory board is made up of members who are familiar with contemporary visual arts through their professional work.

The rationale reads:
“Paula Hurtado Otero has convinced the jury with her diverse, often ephemeral work, which in many cases includes collaborations with other artist:s and other actors. The new studio fellow relates to social structures and developments from her own particular perspective. To do so, she appropriates cultural techniques, artistic media, historical events, and foreign perspectives, which she traces and renders in new and original narratives.”

She describes her own artistic work and focus as a “work on the narrative” that develops from a personally conditioned questioning, but always thinks along its socially relevant level. Accordingly, many of her projects are processual, which she also wants to make the basis of her artistic work in the studio fellowship. This emphasized use of the one-year working situation in the Künstler:innenhaus Bremen as a continuous artistic work, which does not only manifest itself in a final presentation, is for the jury a particularly appealing way of dealing with the possibilities and conditions of the studio fellowship, from which in turn numerous impulses can be expected for all those who are engaged in their work on a new narrative during Paula Hurtado Otero’s fellowship year.