Guest Residency 2008: Joanna Schulte

The artist currently lives and works in Hanover. She studied Fine Arts at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hanover under Prof. Dr. Helen Koriath and Prof. Ulrich Eller, graduating in 2000, and was a master student of Prof. Eller the following year. From 2006 to 2008 she worked as a lecturer at the Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Department of Fine Arts. Joanna Schulte has received several scholarships and prizes, such as the Light Art Prize (Lüdenscheid) in 2004 and the Tisa von der Schulenburg Prize in 2010. Her work has been presented in numerous exhibitions in Germany and abroad. A catalog of her works entitled “Dying for Love” was published in 2011. The common vanishing point is love. The artist devotes herself to this theme in many different ways. For example, the video film and photo series “Hermannstraße” deals with the longing for love, which is communicated in old age and loneliness through the existence and care of another. In the series “The Wedding Dress” (also 2010), the idea of the one and only love is staged as a fairytale dream that comforts us over the dreariness of an often miserable present.
With this artist’s works, it is highly recommended that you look at them several times in order to really grasp all the details and learn the story behind them. ↗