20.11.22 3 pm

Jasmina Al-Qaisi: __üns___haus Bremen

An audio-vibration installation, buffet, a rose re-planting ceremony

Photo: Frederik Preuschoft

A generically named house of artists turns 30 and inhabitants are considering a name change. A poet decentralises the process by spreading questions in the building, making everyone bloom with ideas. This is the plot for __üns___haus Bremen, a work developed by artist and poet Jasmina Al-Qaisi with workers and inhabitants of the building am Deich 68/69.

At the closing of the exhibition ‘Narrating the Gaps’ Jasmina will re-plant a rose brought by Frauke Alber, artist and founding member of the Künstlerhaus Bremen, which she took 30 years ago from the courtyard of the Künstlerhaus. Throughout the afternoon, audiences can taste and sense a sounding buffet made of answers to Jasmina’s questions and– served at Carolin Klapp’s installation in the exhibition space. After this preview, a more extensive audio montage of interviews and writing with voice will be audible on the website from mid of December.

Composition: Jasmina Al-Qaisi
Interviews with: Carolin Klapp, Paula Hurtado Otero, Regina Rivera Zavala, Rose Sanyang-Hill, Petra Fiebig, Antje Schneider, Petra Schröder, Karin Demuth, Frauke Alber, Nicole Kühl, Leon Sahiti, Daniel Neubacher, Henrik Nieratschker, Klaus Zwick, Norman Neumann.
Sounds from the building: Norman Neumann
Translation and sound editing: Ralf Wendt
Special thanks to Rose Sanyang-Hill and Frauke Alber
Commissioned by Künstlerhaus Bremen

  • This event is part of publics&publishings, a collaborative project between GAK, Künstlerhaus Bremen and Kunsthalle Kunstmuseum Bremerhaven, which is being developed as part of “dive in. Programme for Digital Interactions” of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation) with funding by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) through the NEUSTART KULTUR programme.

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