Gallery Gespräch
26.04.23 6 pm
Gallery Gespräch

Lecture by Annika Lisa Richter

“If you need me, I’m (still) in the basement!” – Kunst und Feminismus in Wissenschaft, Institutionen und Aktivismus

Exhibition view: MdbK, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig / Class installation and space HGB Leipzig: Unterschätzt. Künstlerinnen in Leipzig um 1900 – If you need me, I‘m (still) in the basement! (2022).

“Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” asked the US art historian Linda Nochlin as early as 1971. A short time later, the activist artists’ collective Guerrilla Girls followed suit, pointing with their provocative question “Do Women Have To Be Naked To Get Into the Met. Museum?” to the disproportion between only a few exhibited female artists and numerous female-gendered nudes in a renowned museum. The fact that the question of gender equality has not lost its actuality in the art business is not only evident in #metoo, but also in the gender pay gap and the gender show gap, which highlights the lower visibility of female artists in the exhibition sector.

The lecture sheds highlights on the relation between art and feminism in academia, institutions and activism. Referring to artistic examples from the Middle Ages to the present, questions discussed include: What feminist perspectives exist in art studies? To what extent can artistic practice also be activism? And in what way can current debates on decoloniality and diversity and perspectives on art (history) enrich each other?
The hybrid event will take place in the studio above the gallery of Künstlerhaus Bremen and on zoom.

Link to the Zoom meeting: ↗

Meeting-ID: 826 9242 9913
Kenncode: 325646

Event held in German
Free admission

  • Annika Lisa Richter

    is an art scholar and doctoral student in the DFG Research Training Group “Aesthetic Practice” at the University of Hildesheim. She studied European art history, history and art and media studies in Heidelberg and Oldenburg. Her work focuses on gender and queer studies in art history as well as feminist art history, with particular interest in the critique of representation, the relationship between artistic and scientific practice, the history of art history and intersectional perspectives. Her current dissertation project focuses on women artists in the Weimar Republic and asks how their artistic activity is taken up in artistic works and how women’s aesthetic practice is visually represented.
    Annika Lisa Richter is the initiator of the artistic-scientific and queer-feminist festival “Frauen*sache! Kunst. Macht. Raum.”, which took place in Oldenburg for the first time in the summer of 2022 ( ↗). In addition to her academic practice, she works as a dance and movement pedagogue and is artistically and pedagogically active in the fields of dance and music.

  • The lecture is part of Ein Haus für Künstler*innen [A House for Female Artists]*. The series of events builds on the internal discussion of a suitable gender-appropriate name for the Künstlerhaus Bremen. Through lectures, discussions, workshops and artistic contributions, the series aims to give space to external perspectives on the question and to include other institutions and artists’ residences in the discussion.

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