Achim Bitter und Korpys/Löffler
Kino 2
29.01.–20.02.00Achim Bitter, Korpys/Löffler, Kino 2, 2000
Achim Bitter, Korpys/Löffler, Kino 2, 2000
Achim Bitter, Korpys/Löffler, Kino 2, 2000
Achim Bitter, Korpys/Löffler, Kino 2, 2000
Achim Bitter, Korpys/Löffler, Kino 2, 2000
The artists Achim Bitter, Andree Korpys and Markus Löffler transform the exhibition space into a movie theater with the help of various materials. Various museums and exhibition institutions in the city have lent their works. Excerpts from thirty-six feature films and documentaries are assembled into a four-hour film collage that is screened daily.
“In the front part of the gallery space, in addition to boards, furniture and relics from Bremen’s art institutions, there were various tools and a ladder. This unfinished character suggested the possibility for visitors to intervene and make changes. The sculptural structure at the back of the gallery space could be used as a grandstand for viewing the film. Film loop with sequences from One plus one, Finger weg vom Freistaat, Auf der Kippe, Die Ferien des Monsieur Hulot, The Wild Bunch, Sprengfilme, Jet Pilot, Oskar Langenfeld, Die Fahne, Strategie der Schnecke, Studio 77 Out of Present, Ein großer graublauer Vogel, Bewegliche Ziele and others.” (Dorothee Richter)
Concept: Dorothee Richter