Bremen Studio Grant 2023: Rebekka Kronsteiner

The Bremen Studio Grant, which the Senator for Culture is awarding for the seventh time, will go in 2023 to the artist Rebekka Kronsteiner, born in 1996 in Überlingen on Lake Constance. The artist is currently a master student of Prof. Stephan Baumkötter at the Hochschule für Künste in Bremen.

An external jury advising the Senator for Culture has recommended Rebekka Kronsteiner as a grant holder for 2023. The jury is made up of members who are familiar with contemporary visual arts through their professional work. The rationale reads: “Rebekka Kronsteiner works in a special way with an eye for the things around her. She combines objects and materials from her urban environment with mostly used industrial materials. The artist works primarily with materials such as latex, wax, foils, textiles or Plexiglas. These things become interesting for Kronsteiner precisely when they change their appearance over time, fade, age, yellow or become porous.”

Kronsteiner: “I plan for decay and change, which makes the passing of time visible. The works can be ‘reset’ to a kind of ‘zero point’ and thus rethought.” Her artworks move between object and image, a clear assignment between category image or object/sculpture often remains elusive. Her works show hybrid forms in an impressive way, which allows them to be seen both as a picture on the wall or as an arrangement to form a three-dimensional form in space. In addition to her numerous participations in solo and group exhibitions, the jury continues to honor the Bremen artist’s agile and active (networking) work as an added value for the Bremen art scene. She is co-operator of the feminist culture kiosk KOSK*I, which is currently stationed in the Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Haus, and was co-founder of the MMS-Offspace Gallery in Bremen. The team at Künstler:innenhaus Bremen is looking forward to the artist “moving in” to the grant studio these days. Rebekka Kronsteiner will enrich the community and the working process with her way of working and her manner, says the Senator for Culture.