Guest Residency 2021: Dagmar Weiss

In August/September 2021 we welcome Dagmar Weiss (* 1978 in Marburg, lives in Berlin) as a guest fellow at Künstler:innenhaus Bremen! Weiss was nominated by Tobias Hübel. She says about her work:

“I mostly realize my artistic works as video installations with several projections of different sizes running simultaneously and specifically positioned in space. The individual videos are almost photographic compositions, in the truest sense of the word “moving images”, which have a purely content-related, non-chronological context. I am usually concerned with questions of human existence, e.g. social (power) structures, questions of identity and meaning. For example, the media installation Buxus (2019) is about order as a subtle power structure and its normative force. The suggestive effect of performative actions is of crucial importance for my work. Through them, a reinterpretation and reinterpretation of the familiar takes place: In the video series Personal Training (2017), objects from the work context are reinterpreted in a “sporty” way. This raises the question of the extent to which self-optimization ultimately benefits self-realization.” (Dagmar Weiss)

Weiss studied photo and film design at the FH Bielefeld from 1999 to 2005 before moving to Finland in 2006. She studied in Helsinki at the Aalto University of Art and Design, temporarily funded by a one-year scholarship for artistic further education for graduates from the DAAD, and completed her master’s degree with Eija-Liisa Ahtila in 2010. After receiving a project grant from the Arts Council of Finland, she moved to Berlin at the end of 2010 and was a fellow of the Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt art IT in 2015. In recent years, she has spent residencies at the Nordic Artists’ Center Dale in Norway, Künstlerhaus Lauenburg, Künstlerdorf Schöppingen and Artists Unlimited Bielefeld, among others.
Her complex video installations with simultaneous, multi-format projections have been exhibited internationally, for example at Kunstquartier Bethanien (Berlin), Marta Herford and the Helsinki Art Museum Meilahti. Her latest video installations Personal Training and Buxus were shown at the video art exhibition Monitoring at the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival and at Jeune Création 69è édition in Romainville/Paris. ↗